April 30th
April 30th. i added photos of my feedback from the previous week onto my wix page. i also wrote out my SWOT analysis onto my wix page adding more detail than the previous one i wrote on my blog as well as this i come up with sample questionnaire questions before i make and send out the real one for people to fill in. lastly i arranged a test shoot for friday after college, which i will need to organise and plan which will be something for me to do this week so i know exactly what i intend to shoot and how that way the shoot will go more smoothly and use the time more efficiently. this week i also hope to continue with my research and hope to finish it up and place it all onto my wix page so next week i am able to focus on my test shots and photographing.
reflection of last week was that i was able to complete some of my research which was good as i found some photographers and looked at a tv show featuring young dancers and analysed there dance routines they performed, however i had hoped to finish up a bit more than i did but that is something i can focus on this week instead.