Campaigning Organisations

Social action is when you take steps to change the things that are wrong within society and to this they introduce new ideas and processes to make a better change for the future.
To take this further there are groups that actively do social action 24/7 which are known as campaigning organisations.
There are campaigning organisations or charities which help many people, animals or the environment. for example the British heart foundation, Barnados, make a wish foundation, save the children. Animal charities such as the RSPCA, world horse welfare, pukka ponies, buttercups goat sanctuary, cat protection, dogs trust. National Trust, Greenpeace and WWF also help wild animals and the environment. campaigning companies also try to help like LUSH or kickstarter and others people have set up themselves like GO FUND ME.
Successful Campaigns
Some big successful campaigns are Children in need and Comic Relief which are televised every year showing clips of the different thins they would like to change so the public can see first hand whats going on and how they can make a difference by donating money. these are also worldwide and very well known by people.

Some smaller successful campaigns would come from the charities.
Narrative Photography
Narrative is made through photography by taking a series of images that are linked to one another telling a story to the viewer or it could be one standalone image that leaves the viewer wondering whats going to happen next and it leaves them on a cliffhanger.

Henri Cartier-Bresson on the left and
Alfred Eisenstaedt on the right
Henri cartier-bressons image shows a person jumping over some water and his reflection is shown in the water. the narrative of it is that you don't know what happens next leaving the viewer guessing leaving it open to interpretations for example does he get wet by landing in the water or does he doesn't and makes it dry.
Alfred Eisenstaedt image is of two people kissing in a city and what looks as though a celebration. the narrative shows two people kissing but you don't know the relationship between the two people or the reason behind the dramatic gesture.
The image below shows the narrative of someone getting ready such as putting make up on and doing her hair and the last image in the sequence is the final product.
The image below shows cropped photographs i a sequence which looks as though its several people starting off with somebody telling a secret as you can see the reactions below from the facial expressions and with the hand gesture you can tell that they are whispering and secretive.

The image to the right is a series of six images with the first four of a girl posing for a photo to be taken whilst this happens there is a picture frame and in each image a person seems to be added in the photo frame. until the fifth image the photo frame is blank and one of the people that was in them is dragging the girl away. in the last image everybody has switched places with the girl stuck in the photo frame and the people that were in the frame now posing for a photo.

Eadweard Muybridge
The image above shows a sequence of movement and the narrative is A man standing on his hands from a lying down position. you are able to see how hard it is to do and all the subtle movements that he does. you are also able to see the sequence from two different sides one shot from the side and the other from the front.

For my own narrative photographs i storyboarded my idea above which is to have a group of 8 objects scattered on the table and one by one an object mysteriously goes missing and each time something is missing a photo is taken showing this. the last image is of an empty table showing there are no longer any objects, therefore creating a mystery leaving it interpreted to the viewer in what happened creating a sequence. in the process of shooting the narrative everything went well i had stuck to my original plan. i used the same angle to make sure of continuity and chose to use this composition to show the clear edge of the table but adding to the mystery by not knowing where it is. however when shooting i forgot to photograph the last photo in the sequence of the empty table so i had to get the right angle and colouring right but due to it being different colouring i had to edit to get it to match within Photoshop and overall it worked out with the final version down below.
Contact Sheet

My Initial Ideas

my plan is to decide on a final idea and then follow up with some research that is then linked to my final idea looking at different photographers that could give me ideas in how to photograph as well as composition and light for my chosen idea.
once i have chosen my final idea i will do a test shoot of my idea and then afterwards look back on my images and reflect to see what i can do to improve the photos so they show and represent the right theme and context. do the actual shoot improving on the test shoot.
edit the final images showing the editing process and write up a final evaluation
My Final Idea
My final idea is to go to pukka ponies equine charity and to photograph the horses and ponies there that have been rescued. i chose this as my final idea as its the most easy for me regarding photographing and i am able to have access to horses as well as it being local i will photograph the horses and ponies out in the field where they are kept and therefore will shoot outdoors, so i will use natural light available from the sun giving my images a natural look providing natural colouring. i will try to photograph the volunteers with the horses if there are any there to give more of a context and realness. i will use a range of compositions with various framing, angles and perspectives. i would like to be able to capture a range of contrasts and tones. i would like to be able to be able to gain an insight to some of the horses available for adoption and show the importance of work they do as a charity and rely on help from volunteers. i think my photos should all represent and show a good representation of the charity and all have a similar theme allowing them to look professional on the website. i think the narrative could be to show and pull on viewers emotions and to get them to as themselves why and how they got there and what will happen next to the horses.
Research on pukka ponies
Pukka Ponies is an equine rescue centre based in Kent with to different centres in the county with one in Maidstone and the other in rainham. its a registered charity in England and wales with the charity number being 1164939. the charity mainly rescues horses and ponies in need with a few donkeys as an exception, as well as offering rehabilitation and rehoming whenever its possible to do so. pukka ponies can take on anywhere between 20 and 30 horses at any given time. as a charity they rely solely on donations and fundraisers to help financing the welfare of the animals and keeping the organisation alive. on the website contains all the information visitors need about the rescue, rehabilitate and rehome process on there consists of a list of horses and ponies that are currently available for adoption.

People can get involved with the charity through adoption of a pukka pony, but there are other ways people can help such as through volunteering either in person or via other means whether it be admin or promoting the charity and donating either money or items they are short of like bedding, food or farrier visits etc.
If you are in need of assistance with an animal welfare matter or just looking for advice where it be rescue, abandonment, cruelty or giving up your animal for its best chance you can get in touch with pukka ponies or other animal welfare charities.
Lush Cosmetics
The homepage of lush cosmetics website. you first come across a banner photo of three bath bombs that are currently in their new range, above the image is a header that contains the lush logo along with its slogan 'fresh handmade cosmetics' and next to it is links for different sections of the website.

The navigation bar also consists of the black and white theme and is neatly laid out so its easy accessible and easy to use for customers to find what they want.
There is a social media bar with all the links where people can connect and keep up with all the updates.

Here is some of the products available on the fighting animal testing campaign and range.
most of the products are black and white with some having a pop of colour within them.

The website has a theme of the colours black and white which then coincides and links with their fighting animal testing campaign.
The photo itself is very bold, colourful and bright which shows off their range and it then immediately draw your attention when you first click on the page.
at the bottom of the website has all the relevant and important links for information about the company.
This is the layout of all the products available to purchase at lush this image in particular is of some of the bath bombs they have available. they are set out in a nice consistent way with four in one row. so people are able to easily view them they are placed as though they are in a gallery.
The photographs of all the products are clear and detailed. the colours are bright and colourful so they can be seen so buyers know exactly what they expect to get like the shape or the contents.

The Labour Party
This is the homepage on the website for the labour party and the first thing you see is a pop up come on the screen asking you to donate money here it is in the green rectangle.
Behind the box is a big photo taking up the whole screen its most likely of some people that are in favour of the labour party to show others who visit the site.
Here on this page is a small gallery of images laid out in a checkerboard pattern black and white and colour each one with a caption that tries to entice people to join there party and why they should with a few video below that to really get there campaign point of view across. the photos themselves are all of people in support of the labour party as they wouldn't use image of those people supporting other partys and campaigns.

There is a small header bar at the top of the page separated in three bold colours red, green and blue. the border of the image is in the colour red which coincides with what the red tab says 'join labour' as the colour red is the colour of the party its therefore links and matches as the theme colouring for the website. the text, background and anything else thats important to them is also in red.

At the bottom is all the links to all the relevant information about the labour party as well as this is links to there social media so supporters are able to keep track of all the latest news thats going on.
Here is the homepage of the Macmillan homepage. you immediately see that the main colour scheme is green using many tones of the colour for various parts of the website with the dark green fro the very top banner a mid tone green including the logo of the company as well as other banner links and lastly a light green colour for the background of a gallery of photos.

There is use of quotes from there campaigns used as captions for the photos providing a bit of context for use as viewers of the site.
The main pieces of information is in much bolder and bigger text to catch their attention and focus on it more for example the donate button is in the colour purple and the phone number is placed on a white background in green colours to stand out so it can be clearly seen.
The website consists of the same format an image about something related to macmillan a quotation on the photo and underneath sits various links about the photo with a small explanation of the main topic.
The photos themselves are clear and bright and not over edited making the colour or lighting unnatural. they also therefore link with what the information says.

Instead of being at the bottom of the page they have a social bar at the side of the page which travels down with you as you scroll through so you wouldn't have to keep finding it to make contact with macmillan.
This is the homepage for the animal charity RSPCA. as you can see there is the charitys logo in the corner also in the header are various links within the website. the colours of the logo is blue and white which coincides with text colouring of white and all being similar or the same style of text. in the centre of the page there is a large photograph of a dog and its owner with a caption and a blue button taking the viewer somewhere related.

The photographs themselves are focused and clear showing well lit and not overexposed images with a good contrast showing the animals in there natural way and the truth due to the nature of the charity and the belief and act for change.
The donate button in the header is a different colour of orange to stand out and make sure it doesn't blend in with the theme colours .
At the bottom in the footer sits lots of helpful and useful information all to do with the charity. on the far right side is a social media bar so people are able to connect and see all the latest news and updates. on the far left is some statistics under the heading 'how we help' of the number of animals that were helped in the previous year.

The site also consists of advice if people don't now what to do about a situation or want to know more of something. here is a section of it layed out in a similar way of a gallery with it is photographs of many different types of animals but also it shows examples of the types they do help. they look as though they have a mixture of shots that were taken within a photography studio but also outdoors on location likely because of the varied breeds wild and domesticated.

This is a sitemap of my website for pukka ponies charity. this is just a plan and an idea of how i might present the website for real so there may be some changes and differences to my final website.

My plan for the website is to use photographs i have taken at pukka ponies equine charity and place them where i have planned above. for the information side i will use some of the research i did earlier on and place it on the relevant pages. for the logo i will use the actual logo of the charity and place it in the header so it can be seen on all pages. on the contact page with the map showing the location of one of the branches so visitors are able to see how to get there. for the design of my website i have decided to use a white background on all pages including the header and footer. for the design ill use a template and adapt and change it to my sitemap layout. regarding the text and font i think i will decide at the time of creating the website and see what best fits with the design and layout as well as regarding the choice of photos i will decide to see what best fits the page out of my favourite images.
Some features i may use from my website research is to use both a header and footer as all the websites i have looked at . i also think i will use the idea of placing the charity's logo within the header as it sets the theme up for the whole website as well as showing viewers what it loos like so they are able to keep a look out for it in the future. i think i will also use the most realistic and interesting compositions as possible to show the charity in its true light as well as showing a context to match the website and with these i have gotten the idea to put captions or quotes with the images providing an idea to the viewer of what the image is about more specifically. with regards to match the website i think i will pick a few colours from the pukka ponies logo and use that as a base or theme. these things i have learned from my website research from the sites of lush, the labour party, macmillan and animal charity RSPCA. i will then put these into my sitemap as shown above.
Target Audience and Market Research
Target audience is an individual or group of people in which a specific media text is aimed at. this could be either specific age, gender, profession, race etc. or depend on the type of media text either tv, film, radio, magazines etc. there are two types of audiences for example the mass audience which is a large group of people often called the broadcast audience as they consume the mainstream or popular media like soaps or sitcoms. the second type is niche audience which is a smaller group of people who often have shared interests of a particular thing.
To produce market research there are two many research methods quantitative research and qualitative research. quantitative research is things like questionnaires which are closed questions, number based and factual. qualitative research is interviews/focus groups which use open questions, individual preference and more of analysis. other ways of measuring market research is through sales, subscriptions, ratings and figures which will provide statistics for companies to use.
Sample Questions for my website
what is your gender?
how old are you?
what is your profession?
how much do you earn?
do you love animals?
have you ever had a pet?
what about horses?
have you or do you own a horse?
have you thought about adoption?
why not? thoughts/opinions on adoption
what about volunteering?
would you be interested? and have some spare time on your hands?
Primary Research Questionnaire
Data Analysis
Here is the results of my market research this type of research is quantitative research. this is used to help define who the target audience is. the questionnaire below shows a summary of all the data collected in the questionnaire and the more detailed responses within excel. the results below show that the most likely target audience for my website and the charity is mostly the female market of a variety of ages and those who love animals/horses and take an interest in helping animal charities.

My Idea is to use the equine charity pukka ponies and spread awareness of the charity itself as well as focus and show what they do and how they help horses in need. which is rescuing horses who had been mistreated or abandoned or given up by there owners as well as volunteering or through donations either financially or through items they are in need of. i think my idea will be more beneficial and attract more attention to those who have an interest in animals especially horses. as well as with photographing the actual horses at the charity it may help and gain more exposure to the charity.
Time plan
continuous reflection and analysis and evaluate - link everything
26th - to finish off research and primary research, storyboard and website design idea and photographers, charity, data analysis.
27th - to upload my contact sheet for both my test shoot and my actual shoot of the horses at pukka ponies and analysis and evaluate how they went etc. edit the photos from the actual shoot and write the process.
28th - planning and test website and write up what could be improved.
1st - make website with all the components as well as improvements from test website.
2nd - write up my evaluation and finish off anything that needs to be done.
Henri cartier bresson
Henri cartier bresson was a french photographer who shot a lot of candid, street and humanist photography. a lot of his work has influenced many photographers and therefore his photography has been shown in many exhibitions worldwide allowing it to be seen by many people who admire his work. his photographs have won numerous awards including the hasselblad award in 1982 and photographing many notable people such as coco chanel, martin luther king jr and marilyn monroe.

Henri cartier bressons photographs are shot outside so its likely he would have used natural lighting which in turn would show shadows cast of the people. there are lots of tones which differentiate many things including making the main subject stand out where ever it is in the photo. there is also use of various angles and perspectives for example the cyclist the photo is taken from high up likely from up the stairs and there is also evidence of leading lines with the curve of the road. one of his photos that stands out to me is the one shot in paris with the eiffel tower in the background as it has a good contrast with the sky in the background whereas in the foreground theres a silhouette of two different things occuring one is of a person with a umberella doing a leap and the other is two people just the side of them looking at each other and look as though they are about to kiss also with an umberella in hand this makes it eye catching and draw your attention as a viewer and not now what to look at first the different subjects or even the setting itself. his photographs are all in black and white due to black and white only being around that period of time and so he would only have this to work with and therefore he took advantage and become more familiar with it and know various techniques to capture the most simple compositions and turn them into something more interesting, such as the project the decisive movement, which later on becomes apart of his aesthetic where photos are captured mid moment of something happening to do this he would have had to use a fast shutter speed to capture the movement precise and clearly like the image of the prson jumping and the one cycling. these photos then make you question or wonder what happens next as a viewer.

I want to use some of the features or take inspiration from his work by using the main subject and making it stand out from the background so it can attract your attention and to this i will experiment using different angles, perspectives and viewpoints. i also would use natural lighting due to the nature and the subject i intend to take photos of and so i would use a similar way in capturing my photos so they will have a good outcome.

Craig payne photography
craig payne started learning photography in his early teens. he has been taking photographs of horses for eleven years and weddings for ten years. a highlight of his career was that when he was nineteen he photographed the royal international horse show hickstaed of the international ring as well as that he has photographed a private function event held at buckhingham palace in 2014. his work has been featured in several magazines including horse and hound, local rider and photoplus.
I think craig paynes photographs show a lot of features that i would possibly like to use like the idea of capturing the movement of the horses more so if they are moving at a higher speed. as well as this i would like to do similar compositions regarding filling up the frame so you are able to see more of the setting and subject showing the context of the environment which would be pukka ponies maidstone branch.

craig paynes photographs are nature orientatated with encorporating the background within the main image such as the horses eating the grass or standing in the leaves. as well as that his photos focus on different apsects such as the relationship with the horse and their comes across as well as gaining an insight into the horses personality. i like how with the grey horse standing in the wood has use of symmetry with the trees which then also show leading lines going into the distance. i like the natural colours as it shows what season the photo was shot in, these were all shot in the daytime under ambient lighting and the sun with the two top photos possibly being shot around midday due to the placing of the shadows. all the photos are in focus and clearly show the composition with the whole frame of the photo being used without lots of extra wasted space in the image. i think these photographs could be achieved via a deep depth of field/ medium to high aperture as theres not much of a blurred background, a fast shutter speed to capture the movement of the horses and a low ISO.
Weekly Plan
Deadline 9th march
5th march - website testing and development and possibly look at another photographer.
6th march - edit my chosen final images and place them within my website as well as show editing process.
7th march - continue working on my website and editing photos.
8th march - my plan is to finish off producing my website. peer feedback.
9th march - write up my evaluation
Test Shoot
My test shoot of pukka ponies went quite well i was lucky enough to get a sunny day when i was shooting. however this had some downsides with the fact of my images first came out rather exposed due to the extra sunlight entering the lens. so i had to change the settings on my camera settings i was happy with. another issue i ended up having was due to the sun i captured some shadows casting on the horses faces which sort of ruined my photo and to this i was the one who had to move my position to change the direction where the shadows were cast and once i did this my photographs came out a lot better and i think i was able to get some good shots.
Contact Sheet
Test Website
Here i have done a test website before doing my real one. in the test website i have used the proposed layout for the site to see if it works out and see if its practical for the charity. in doing this i have placed all the things in the specific places on each page including all the text with the type of text used to the right and photos of where there going and what photos out of my chosen best photos from my shoot before the editing process.

Gallery photos


Some of the features i use in the test website have been influenced through the target audience and by having this in mind. for example with the white background it is a unisex colour and even though more females would view the site according to my data results it also wouldn't put males of from looking through and added to this my plan was to use a white background with the connection of the charities logo. another thing is the text type is neutral for either gender whereas more cursive text would be associated with females. the subject of the photos is of the horses the reason for the charity meaning the target audience again is those who are interest in animals especially horses and want to help of all ages younger people would more look at the photos whilst older people would tend to read the information on the site.

Get Involved


Overall im pleased with the test website and everything went according to plan during the process. i think for when i produce the website for real i will make a few changes to some of the pages. on the about page i think i will delete the bottom paragraph going across the page as its not really necessary and i can put the information above in the other paragraph. with the get involved page there are slightly more changes with deleting the news/events section due to not finding enough information about it and not really relevant in the message i want to say, therefore the other paragraph will be spread out so its wider fitting in the space neatly . with regards to the sections this isn't necessarily the placings they will be and so the subjects could be moved around on my website for better presentation. the last thing is the photo in the middle doesn't look right or professional due to the photo being stretched to the whole of the page so instead i have come up with a solution of using two images side by side equalling the page width.
My shoot for the pukka ponies equine charity went really well as i was able to take on the improvements from the test shoot including my camera settings. i think the only negative was the fact that i couldn't get a good photograph of every horse they had due to their past events and nature so instead i admired from afar gaining shots like that instead but i also got some good compositions and images of the horses that were friendly and enjoyed the attention. on the day there were a few volunteers there which i hoped there would be from my final idea, so i incorporated them in the images to show the realness with what actually happens at the charity and what the volunteers can do by helping showing an insight and context. overall im pleased with the results and outcome and hope that pukka ponies would also like them.
Contact Sheet
Here i have done editing process including the before version and the after version for three of the photos going onto my website. i haven't done the editing process for all the photos i plan to use on my website due to there being too many.

This photo will be going onto my contact page. to edit this photo i started off adding a new layer before starting to manipulate my photo. with this photo i changed the brightness and contrast the brightness to 20 and the contrast to 13 i did this to bring out the colours in the photo and making it look brighter. following on from this i used exposure changing it to 0.17 , which also helps with the lighting helping the photo become more clear and precise. to the right is the before and after version of the same image showing how the editing has changed the image.


This is the next photo and this will be on the About us page. first i loaded the photo onto photoshop and used the crop tool to crop the foreground of the photo so it seems closer to the camera as well as getting rid of wasted space of greenery in the photo i also cropped it slightly on the left side so the volunteer and pony are the main focus of the image. to edit the altered image i added a new layer then i started on adjusting the brightness and contrast levels the brightness to 13 and the contrast to 25 this is to emphasis the colours in the photo and bring them out more rather than sinking in. next i looked at changing the vibrance to 12 and increasing the saturation levels to 4 making the colours become warmer and therefore bolder. lastly i changed the exposure to 0.11 bringing more light to my photo making it brighter and better. below is the before version and the after version of the same photo showing the differences between the two.




With this photo i forgot to take screenshots during the editing process so i only have the before and after versions. when i was editing this photo i used varied tools to come to the after version. i started off using the clone stamp tool to edit out the shadow in the bottom left hand corner and the slightly again in the top left hand side. once i did this i used the crop tool to bring down the top of the image cutting it off just before the ponys ears to cut out the other odd colouring on the top right side which i was unable to edit out. next i started off editing the new version of the photo by changing various things such as the exposure, vibrance, contrast, brightness and saturation levels.
Overall the editing process for all my photos went well as the edited version of the photos look better regarding the contrast of the photos as well other aspects as it pulls everything out making the photos much bolder and more effective for when they are on the website.
Final Images

My Website
In Conclusion i think my website and photographs fit the brief quite well which was to take photographs and build a website for a successful campaign or organisation. the charity i chose was pukka ponies equine rescue, the charity rescues horse and pony's in need as well as rehabilitating them and rehoming those that are suitable. i think the website and the photos link together as the website is about and equine charity and the photographs are of the horses and ponies at the charity itself at the maidstone branch which i found it easier than i thought to arrange. with the end product my photographs improve my site as they show a context and an insight inside the charity with the photos linking with the relevant text and pieces of information, and show an up close encounter with the animals as well as spreading awareness of the charities existence. i think my photos link to the target audience and market research as they would appeal to those people who are animal lovers especially those who own or ride horses due to the subject. as well as this the photos may link with the target audience by being viewed by more females than males possibly due to the fact there are two female volunteers in the images. the part of the brief i didn't enjoy as much or found challenging was the editing process because i don't know how to use photoshop that well due to the lack of experience with it but overall the edited versions of my photos came out well and i'm pleased with the results. with my final website i made a small change of changing one of the photos i had planned to use as i no longer liked the photo and its composition so instead i swapped it for a different photo from my shoot of three of the horses grouped together. i think what went well was the actual shoot of my photos as i was able to gain varied compositions and with different horses there some close up and others further away, in this project i looked at henri cartier bresson and Craig Payne photography for inspiration and ideas for when it came to my shoot so when i was shooting i had these in mind. the production of my website went well with me putting the improvements from my test website into the actual one with one of my ideas for my site to include text onto my homepage gallery which i have decided against with not knowing what to write and instead i changed it slightly to add a slogan type text saying 'rescue, rehabilitate, rehome' with silhouette horse designs either side to make my homepage more interesting. when i was producing my website i used the actual pukka ponies website for reference and information on the charity and i think that my final product is good as i have incorporated everything i wanted too and i'm pleased with my final choice of photos.