May 4th
May 4th. 9am today i am going to do some more research for my project as well as do my first test shoot later this evening. i am going to write up information about a photographer i found onto my wix page called jon applegate. as well as this i hope to write up my questionnaire and analyse the data i have recieved however i dont think i have enough responses yet so i may have to share the link with more people so i can.
3:30pm i was able to complete adding the photographer research onto my wix page, as well as this i started to put together my interim presentation for next week however i wasnt able to finish it due to not having taken my photos yet for my first test shoot and so this means there is no editing done either.
7pm i completed my first test shoot which was scheduled for this evening and it went very well as i was able to get a range of shots which is good and i have taken note of some of my favourites, i have also uploaded them onto my one drive so i have access to them at college and hopefully practise some editing next week.